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Our Mission

To provide housing and support services to adults on the autism spectrum.

Our Vision

A culture that embraces adults on the autism spectrum, includes them in every facet of local daily life, and offers them opportunities to make meaningful contributions to our local and regional community.

Who We Are

Autism Services of Southwest Louisiana is a nonprofit organization founded by family members touched by autism. We provide housing and support for adults and operate six houses in which men and women live and thrive in our local community.

Adults with autism need a safe, comfortable environment in which to live, with twenty-four-hour care. Since there were no homes specifically designed for persons with autism in Louisiana, family members organized ASSL to provide such services. ASSL was founded in 2003 and after a few years of hard work and a variety of generous volunteer hours and donations, ASSL’s first home opened its doors in 2009.

Founders of Autism Services & Direct Care